January 28, 2021

Express Yourself!

Next week is Children's Mental Health Week and the theme this year is 'Express Yourself'.

Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share your feelings and thoughts with others in a positive way. We all express ourselves differently....some people love to express themselves, others find it really difficult. 

Some people express themselves by singing and dancing. Other people might express themselves in a quiet way that may go unnoticed by others.  

We can express ourselves through art, music, writing, dance, prayer, talking, photography or any 'feel good' activities. 

Remember, however you express yourself, it is not about having to be the best or looking good in front of your friends. It's about finding ways to show who you are and how you see the world and feeling good about yourself. 

Talk with your families about the different ways that you all express yourselves. Remember, how we express ourselves depends mainly on how we are feeling.

Very often, we express ourselves without even realising and sometimes, mistakes we make can be turned in to something positive...click on your link below. 

How do you express yourself?

In school, we are creating a 'Gallery of Expression' ready for when we are all back in school together. 

We need photographs and short pieces of writing by Friday 5th Feb. 
Choose one from the following list and then send it to 


A photograph of you expressing yourself
(This could be a photo of you dancing, running, laughing, drawing....)


A photograph which expresses how you are feeling
(This could be a photo of a beautiful beach or a stormy sea)


Draw and/or write to show how you feel about something

Can you stop everything and watch and listen to this beautiful, mindful 15 minute film, focusing on as much detail as you can?
It illustrates God's amazing creations and shows how nature expresses herself.
Take time to reflect.

Parent Links Below -

Above all, have a great week and don't forget to send your photos/writing and anything else you might do to keep your mind healthy.

  Click below to see our Forest School... * St Peter's Forest School * 💚