May 1, 2020

Meaningful May

*Great New Link For Parents & Staff  
(Mentally Healthy Schools)

This month's calendar from Action for Happiness is encouraging us to notice and find meaning in all the little things. 
See how many you can do from the calendar.

A helpful strategy for dealing with worries and negative thoughts, already used by many of you, is red and green thinking. Here's a reminder -

Writing your worries or negative thoughts down, helps to get them out of your head. When they stay in your head, they tend to grow bigger.
The red thoughts are the ones that are not very good for us and can make us feel worse. 

Write them in a red cloud.

Now think about how you can turn the red thought green and then write it in a green cloud.

You might need help with this at first, so ask a grown up. After a bit of practise you'll get better at it and eventually, you will turn red thoughts in to green in your head very quickly.
This is an amazing skill that will help you all through your life....even when you are 100!

Here's a quick example - 

I'm so fed up of doing school work every day at home. 

I'm doing so well with my learning. Soon I will have finished and then I can play. 

  Click below to see our Forest School... * St Peter's Forest School * 💚