I hope everyone has had a good week. 😊
(Another useful link added for parents and staff →)
Our minds have between 50,000 and 70,000 thoughts every day - amazing!!
Sometimes, especially during difficult times, some of these thoughts can be negative. They are Automatic Negative Thoughts or ANTs and ANTs are a nuisance... most of the time!
There are lots of ways to get rid of your ANTs - a few ideas:
Talk to someone, tell them you have ANTs!
Draw, paint or colour
Write down 5 things that you are grateful for
Get outside
Imagine your favourite place - close your eyes and notice everything about your favourite place
What helps you to get rid of your ANTs?
You can email me your ideas so we can share them.
Last week, in school, we practised imagining our favourite place to help us relax.
Thank you to Edward and Leo for their great photos this week - Leo learning new DIY skills
and Edward showing great creativity with his virtual Scouts night.
Have a lovely weekend.