Welcome to our school well-being blog: a positive place to visit, where we can share ideas and photos to remind us of all our positivity strategies and to brighten up our days.
As you all know, it is so very important to keep our minds healthy, especially during these difficult times.
It wasn't too long ago that we focused on 'Finding Our Brave' for mental health week in school and we listened to some amazing and brave speakers throughout the week. Over the next few weeks, there might be times when we need to find our brave, as we continue to live through these difficult and strange times. We may be missing friends, family, school, going out and just leading our lives as we normally do. We might feel worried about lots of different things.
So, if we try to focus on positives and keep connected with each other, the time will soon come when we will all be back together again. Keep checking back on here for anything new as I will be updating it regularly. Don't forget to send me anything that you think other people might like (email above) and I will share it on here.
Finally, if any of you are struggling with worries, feeling a bit fed up or missing our regular sessions and would like to have a chat, email me on the address above and we can arrange a phone or video call.
It wasn't too long ago that we focused on 'Finding Our Brave' for mental health week in school and we listened to some amazing and brave speakers throughout the week. Over the next few weeks, there might be times when we need to find our brave, as we continue to live through these difficult and strange times. We may be missing friends, family, school, going out and just leading our lives as we normally do. We might feel worried about lots of different things.
So, if we try to focus on positives and keep connected with each other, the time will soon come when we will all be back together again. Keep checking back on here for anything new as I will be updating it regularly. Don't forget to send me anything that you think other people might like (email above) and I will share it on here.
Finally, if any of you are struggling with worries, feeling a bit fed up or missing our regular sessions and would like to have a chat, email me on the address above and we can arrange a phone or video call.