October 8, 2020

World Mental Health Day: Saturday 10th October


New link for parents - SMILING MIND APP (See column on right)🠊

Great app for all the family, recommended by CAMHS 

(Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)

This Saturday is World Mental Health Day and the theme this year is 'Mental Health for All'. Make an extra effort this weekend to do something positive that will make you feel really happy! 🙂

We have been remembering World Mental Health Day this week in school. Year 3 have enjoyed a different wellbeing tip each day.

Willow, our new school therapy dog, has been in school every day for the last couple of weeks  and has spent time with lots of children.

Some children have been outside helping to plant bulbs ready for the Spring, with help from Willow!

Year 2 were outside learning about autumn and the colours of different leaves.

Finally, the calendar for this month is Optimistic October - lots of great ideas...

  Click below to see our Forest School... * St Peter's Forest School * 💚